DAAD Alumni Associations
DAAD Alumni Association West Bank
Palestinian German Association for Academics (PGAA)
Dr. Samah Abu Assab
Birzeit University
West Bank
Phone: +972 592 556 822
Email: sassabbirzeit.edu
DAAD Alumni Association Gaza Strip
Palästinensischer Deutscher Verein für Akademiker (PADEVA)
Dr. Usama Antar
Al-Quds St. 32/1050
Gaza Strip
Phone: +972 599 797 343
Fax: +972 828 249 33
Email: antarusamagmail.com
Dr. rer. oec. Samah Abu Assab
Head DAAD Alumni Association West Bank
Dr. rer. oec. Samah Abu Assab is Assistant Professor of Marketing and Innovation at the Faculty of Business and Economics at Birzeit University.
Dr. Samah was awarded two DAAD scholarships to pursue a Master’s degree in Innovation and Technology Management and a PhD in Marketing and Innovation Management at the Brandenburg University of Technology (TU) Cottbus, Germany. Afterwards, she received an Erasmus+ post doctorate scholarship in Public awareness for Sustainable Manufacturing at the TU Berlin.
Dr. Usama Antar
Head DAAD Alumni Association Gaza Strip
Dr. Usama Antar is the founder and Head of the DAAD Alumni Association Gaza Strip. He voluntarily coordinates the annual events of this DAAD association since years. Dr. Antar studied Political Science and Economic Policy in Münster, Germany and received his PhD in 2004. He worked as a lecturer at the Al-Azhar and Al-Aqsa University in Gaza and has served as programme manager at international organisations.