
Find Funding

A group of multi-ethnic students study outdoors on campus in the summer.
© iStockphoto
Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

Scholarship database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

Icon of a white globe with pinned victory ribbon on a blue background

International Study Programmes in Germany

Whether a Bachelor's or Master's degree or PhD - the DAAD database offers a great variety of international degree courses to choose from.

International students stand in front of a computer screen and look at something on it.

DAAD IC in East Jerusalem

DAAD Information Centre in East Jerusalem
Mount of Olives
East Jerusalem 91200

Mobile: +972 (0) 537716252
Facebook: DAAD.EastJerusalem

Opening hours

Personal Consultations: By appointment only!
Telephone Consultations: Monday-Thursday: 10:00AM-15:00PM

We are also happy to answer your questions per Email, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

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